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Feb 4, 2013

One True Love

Lets not skirt around it, that's a silly title.  But it's true.  There has been one major love in my family history that seems to strike at least one every generation.  That love is photography.  I love it.  My dad loves it.  Our ancestors have loved it.  We have so many pictures of family through the years that I feel like I personaly know each and every one of them.  We even have pictures of somsone's livingroom from the turn of the century - long before bored people turned the camera towards random crap in their home.  Can you imagine how much that cost - a picture of a rocking chair, a rug and a screen?  It's silly, but I still love it because it makes me feel closer to them.  When I was a kiddo I took SO MANY pictures of my room.  This picture of a poster of Dr. Evil will surely mean something to me some day down the line.  Nope.
But I've gotten away from my point.  Basically I've always been surrounded by pictures of the people I came from - on my dad's side at least.  Cameras weren't as popular in the Bahamas, I guess, or they were too expensive.  We don't have many pictures of my mom's side past her parents.
Since I don't have much news on the baby front except for the simple fact of NO BABY, here are some pictures of my ancestors as spotted on my Flickr photostream.  I'll do my best to name each one:

Phylis Miller

Phylis Miller2
Philys, younger

Phylis Miller Allen 
We have a lot of pictures of Phylis - wasn't she gorgeous?

Phylis Miller and Uncle Carl Lentz I'm pretty sure Carl was heading off for WW1.

Woburn City Band
One of these dudes is Carl, too, but I'm not sure which.

Louise and Carl 1962
And this, too, is Carl with my great Grandmother, his wife!

Louise Lentz Wedding 

My great Grandma Louise at her wedding.  Check out that veil!

Louise Sweetser 

And here she is as a kiddo.  Folks say I look a lot like her.

Marriage of Nana and Carl
My family keeps a lot of stuff, which is why I'm lucky enough to have held my great grandparent's marriage certifecate!

John H Sweetser (McGralies)
John Sweetser looking jaunty at his shop.

Livingroom - John and Caroline Sweetser 1890 Is that a wolf or a coyote?  Who cares!  It's awesome!

Emily, Carl, Louis, Ester Lentz around 1910 
Look at that hair!  And that kiddo on the bottom left is the same Carl that is also my great grandpa.

Carrie Louise Horton March 1866, 10 Months Old 


Emily Lentz Miller Check out the scandalous swimsuit (from 1923)!

Carl Lentz Somewhere in France
Carl in his band, somewhere in France during WW1.

Carol and Louize Oct 14, 1943
My grandma and her mom.  Two gorgeous ladies!

Carl H Lentz2
And one more of Carl to round things out.

And this isn't a family picture, but it was stuck in with them and I think it's awesome:
Un Banquet Infernal

I need to scan all my family's photos at some point - if only because these things wont last forever and I'd be so sad if something fell apart before I could save it digitally!

So that's my family (well some of them).  I'm thrilled that I'll be able to share them with the next generation.

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