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Jan 27, 2013

Meet the Family

This is my family. I found it, all on my own. Is little, and broken, but still good. Yeah, still good.
 -Stitch from Lilo and Stitch
And by family I mean myself and Ryan - and the pets of course, but this is about us!  Because I don't have any pictures of our someday baby, here are our baby pictures.


I can only hope our kid ends up with such luscious lips.

Ryan was a Disney fan from day one.

Oh man, look at Brendan's chubby little face!  Adorable!

I was a city kid, but clearly Ryan grew up in the farmlands.

Delicious, delicious chocolate!

Careful, that'll get stuck in there!

Watch out for the yellow snow!

Someone snapped the camera mid-giggle!

No, Ryan, that's not how we eat ice cream...

Playpen on the roof - Ryan lived on the edge! 
This may explain why he likes adrenalin rushes.

"Say cheese!"

Ryan claims this is some sort of airplane.  I have my doubts.

What is it with boys and breaking bones?  Seems like he was a pro at this.

Like I said...

If only he still wore the helmet.

Did the photographer say "smile a little, but still look very concerned"?

The Three Musketeers (before the fourth was born).
 Ryan still says this is the "BEST TOY EVER!"

And finally: Mad Balls

And me, Abby

Me and my awesome grandpa, age one.

Still one, looking like some strange little elf...

Stiiil one!  I still remember a lot of those toys.







I can really empathize with the younger brother in A Christmas Story.

Thanks to my mom's daycare, there was never a shortage of playmates in our house.

 I rocked that outfit.  You know you're jealous.

Um... so it was hot out!

Truly I was the prettiest princess.   And those are my subjects - I mean my siblings.

Duck Tales gift bags!  YES!

No dad, I hate the cold water!

 Comet my guinea pig.  She was so sweet.

Happy birthday to me!  That cake looks so good.

Me and my awesome sister!

Probably avoiding swimming in the frigid Cape Ann water.

 Yes, we get it.  That present is for you.  Now calm down.

 My Medusa was a Shrek before such a thing existed.

 Some of the best times are the simplest.

Well there you have it - our childhood in pictures!


Unknown said...

What a trip down memory lane! I felt like I went on a ride with you, bumps and broken bones included. I remembered some of those old cars too! hee-hee!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the comment! I'm so lucky that my family has always had a love of photography all the way back to the earliest tintypes. I can't wait to scan all our old albums in to share with my relatives :)