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May 29, 2013

My New Phone

Oh my gosh I love it!  We finally were up for an upgrade, so Ryan and I headed over to the Verizon store and picked out new phones.  We always get the same type - the last two times they were having BOGO deals, but this time it was just because.

Our new phones are the Droid Razr HD and it's so much better than the Droid X2.  SO MUCH BETTER!  I've been impressed with the camera.  It's no SLR, for sure, but it does in a jiffy.  I've heard there is a new phone with an excellent camera, but this was the right price, so it'll do for now.

Here are some of the pictures I've taken with it:

Instagram: Since the Last Time

The times aren't exactly a week, nor have they been in a long time!  So here is Instagram since the last time I posted them!

He refuses to look at the phone unless I have a treat.

Get Busy, Get Moving

Another cycle down the drain, so I have to put my mind to other things.  I've been working around the house when I have a chance, and after finally clearing out the large room in the (unfinished) basement, I was able to set up an exercise work space!  How exciting!

I know it's not much to look at, but I have some Just Dance games, Wii Fit and Wii Fit Plus, and I've added the YouTube channel to my Wii, so assuming I can load any videos, I can do some nice yoga and aerobic exercises.  Also, if you notice that little camera at the top of the monitor, I got the Jenny McCarthy fitness game (yeah, yeah, she's kind of an idiot) which is fun but has been very hard!

Ryan, impressed with my work, decided he needed in on the exercise, which is where the computer came in.  He's able to use that to do the Insanity work out, which looks pretty silly from the outside.  Also if I can save some of the YouTube videos, I'll be able to use them there, without the horrible loading times that have plagued the site lately.

What's up with that?  I haven't uploaded videos for such a long time because I tried uploading a ONE MINUTE clip and it took HOURS!  YouTube has gotten so crappy, but there's no good alternative.  It really bums me out, because I wish I could "boycott" it, but I have no where else to go!

As an added note: it is very hard to do yoga when a cat decides to camp out right under your butt.  But it's OK, I sit on him, and he learns.  But he doesn't really learn, because he is a cat.

May 23, 2013

A Somber Day

My wonderful grandfather passed away early this morning.  I haven't quite found the right words to say, so in their stead I'll share a few pictures of him.

May 18, 2013

Past Adventures: America's Stonehenge

Yes.  This is a thing.
It exists.

Ten Months

That's how long it's been since Ryan and I had "the talk" and decided to start trying.
We could have had a baby by now!  Man, I am so grumpy!

Here is Zoso doing his best to convey my feelings right now:

May 15, 2013

Hey Guess What!

My blog just got approved to be added to...


Top Baby Blogs!
(yes, you can join if you're still trying to conceive and not technically pregnant yet.  It's coo')

So you know what to do!

You don't?

Click to vote for me!

Help Our Rank & Visit Top Baby Blogs, Baby Blog Directory!
(how exciting!!)

May 13, 2013

May 8, 2013

Still TTC

That's what this blog was created for, so I guess I'll give an update.  This month hasn't been great on the TTC front, since Ryan has been away since the first...ha!  But hopefully we'll have better luck soon.  Maybe I'll get an incredible birthday present in June!

The most notable thing that has happened lately is while I was temping this morning (take a temp every morning and record the data to try and figure out when my body do a thang) Zoso jumped up on the bed and started licking the thermometer in my mouth.

Um... thanks!?

Maybe he was wishing me luck.

Nana's Hats

My great grandma (Nana) was a pretty cool lady.

And Some Goodies Just for Me

I did save a few items for myself.  After all, what's a shopping trip without a little somethin' somethin' for me?

I love this.  I LOVE THIS!

A Kick in the Pants

So I stopped by the Salvation Army store on the way home on Monday, and to my shock and excitement, it was brimming with wonderful things.  I didn't plan on buying things before going in, but I couldn't help myself.  To justify these purchases (some of the clothes didn't even fit me) I made a mental agreement to get my Etsy store up and running again.  For about a year now, it's had the same 30 items in it, and that's just kind of sad.

Step one: take lots of pictures.  That step is finished, and I have to start sorting through the pictures, adding the items and typing in all the info.  But step one is done!

I also want to integrate my blog with my store, so I can hopefully generate some excitement and purchases!  So here is a sneak peek of what will be coming to the store in the next few days:

 I love these mugs, and one has already been promised to my sister.  Only one left!

Video of the Week

This week's video is a compilation of positive Russian dash cams.  I know we're all used to seeing terrible crashes and road rage incidence from dash cams, but these will bring a smile to your face.

Russians really love their grannies!

May 4, 2013

In Other News, A Hike

We took Zoso back to that hiking area last Sunday.  This time with ten times more ticks!  Ew.

Zoso is such a rebel.


Tensions are running high at the house right now.

May 2, 2013

At A Loss

I'm sorry for not posting in the last week or so.  I'm still in a funk from the bombings.  This is the first time I feel like my own home was attacked.  My friends, my family were all in the line of fire and I could have lost any one of them.  The city I grew up in faced a violent upheaval.  This is all so new and uncomfortable.  When New York was attacked I felt the pain deep in my heart for my country and my friends, but somehow this feels worse to me.  It all feels so deeply personal that I can't quite put words to it.  How dare they attack the city I was born in?  How dare they bring the fighting to my wonderful Cambridge where I've spent so, so many days?  How dare they drag Watertown into this - where my best friend grew up - where I spent some of my best days?
It would be great to say I'm stronger than this, I'll just go on as if nothing ever happened.  But I'm not and I can't.  I'm weak and scared and it's like facing death for the first time in your life.  For the very first time you think "oh god, this could happen to me."  It's the pinnacle moment of your childhood when you lose your immortality and I'm just having a hard time dealing with it.

Please stay tuned for our normal broadcasting which will resume shortly.