Another cycle down the drain, so I have to put my mind to other things. I've been working around the house when I have a chance, and after finally clearing out the large room in the (unfinished) basement, I was able to set up an exercise work space! How exciting!
I know it's not much to look at, but I have some Just Dance games, Wii Fit and Wii Fit Plus, and I've added the YouTube channel to my Wii, so assuming I can load any videos, I can do some nice yoga and aerobic exercises. Also, if you notice that little camera at the top of the monitor, I got the Jenny McCarthy fitness game (yeah, yeah, she's kind of an idiot) which is fun but has been very hard!
Ryan, impressed with my work, decided he needed in on the exercise, which is where the computer came in. He's able to use that to do the Insanity work out, which looks pretty silly from the outside. Also if I can save some of the YouTube videos, I'll be able to use them there, without the horrible loading times that have plagued the site lately.
What's up with that? I haven't uploaded videos for such a long time because I tried uploading a ONE MINUTE clip and it took HOURS! YouTube has gotten so crappy, but there's no good alternative. It really bums me out, because I wish I could "boycott" it, but I have no where else to go!
As an added note: it is very hard to do yoga when a cat decides to camp out right under your butt. But it's OK, I sit on him, and he learns. But he doesn't really learn, because he is a cat.