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May 18, 2013

Ten Months

That's how long it's been since Ryan and I had "the talk" and decided to start trying.
We could have had a baby by now!  Man, I am so grumpy!

Here is Zoso doing his best to convey my feelings right now:


Iliska Dreams said...

Not to hurt your heart any more, but to let you know you are not a lone. I went off the pill in January 2008 and did not have Jarvis until December 2011. Since having him I have not used any contraception. Yes I still cry each month my period comes.
Fingers crossed for you.

Unknown said...

And mine crossed for you, too. I feel like I was let down by my school's sex ed classes, since they all stressed the fact I would get pregnant the second I had any sex without protection. And here I am - not pregnant! Boo!