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Jun 30, 2014

Pictures, Lately

Tomorrow is the anatomy scan, so for now just a picture update :)

Jun 9, 2014

Three Decades Old!

We celebrated my 30th birthday on Saturday, and it was awesome!  Ryan wanted me to feel young, so he had everyone dress up as old people, and we had a bouncy castle, a pinata and some pin the tail on the donkey.  By the end of the night, I'm pretty sure I was the only sober person left, hahaha!

Zoso wanted to get in the bouncy castle so bad!

Jun 6, 2014

Pregnancy Update

So I should probably do something like this once in a while, right?

How far along: 15 weeks, 6 days.

Baby in fruit/ vegetable terms: As of tomorrow we'll have a little avocado in there.

Gender: Hopefully we'll know on July 1st!

Weight gain: Lost 3 pounds in the first trimester, haven't gained or lost in the last few weeks.  But I feel huge.

Maternity clothes: I have some maternity clothes, but I can also get away with regular clothes still.  Also belly bands are awesome.

Stretch marks: Nothing that wasn't there before pregnancy.

Belly button in or out: In still, but isn't it crazy that my belly button will be the cleanest it's ever been once it pops?

Sleep: I can't sleep on my belly anymore, and laying on my back is getting uncomfortable... and if I want to sleep on my side I need a body pillow.  BASICALLY IT'S GETTING DIFFICULT.

Best moment this week: Our 4 year anniversary yesterday - and I got the fish and chips I was craving.

Miss anything: Caffeinated anything.

Movement: I thought I felt one last night, but I'm not sure.

Cravings: Fish and chips, cotton candy, watermelon (and Friendly's Wattamelon roll).

Queasy or sick: Occasionally still queasy, but not nearly as much in the first trimester.  Only puked twice the whole pregnancy so far.

Looking forward to: My birthday party, and the gender of course, but that's not for a while.


I know I should post more often than I do, but I'm still tip-toeing around all this.  We have told all the family and friends, and also the bosses, so that's out of the way at least!  And my next doctor's appointment isn't until July 1st, which will hopefully reveal whether it's a boy, a girl, or somewhere in between.
So anyway, here are some recent pictures and stuff!

 Strange cancer awareness thingy down town.