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Sep 16, 2013

Goodwill Mini Haul

I stopped in at the local Goodwill while I was out doing some Monday chores, so I picked up a few things: 

 $.50 each

Sep 10, 2013

King Richard's Faire!

Well, life marches on, and we're not going to let our Groupons expire!  So on Sunday, we marched on over to King Richard's Faire in Carver, MA, with our friends Paula and Amanda.  It was a pretty good time!

Naughty wench show!

Sep 9, 2013

Well, All the Bills Are In

Now that we have received all the hospital bills, we know the full crappy extent of our health insurance.  We've been paying for the family plan (because we've been trying to start a family) since last July, and it's at least 3x what our individual insurances were together.  So this has been coming out of my husband's paycheck every month.  And because it's a family plan (well, actually because his boss picked this plan) the deductible is $2000.

You read that right.  Two THOUSAND dollars on top of $3-400 a month just to have the pleasure of pretending we have some sort of helpful insurance.  And now I get the bills for both appointments at the OBGYN offices and the D&C.  So lets break this shit down, because it's offensive and horrible:

Sep 7, 2013

Coping With Miscarriage as an Atheist

After finding out we had lost the baby, I went online to find a community I could talk to and relate to.  I just wanted to talk to other moms who were grieving like I was, but it turned out to be hard to find the right place.

Sep 4, 2013

Canobie Lake Paaaark!

I visited the park with some MEN.  On the left: sexy Ryan.  On the right: our french friend Jordan who has been REALLY WORKING OUT since we last saw him.

The Pets Say "Hi!"

It's been a while since I made a "pets" post, so here we go!  Have some pet pictures!
Ford always has to hover over me when I'm watching a show.

Finding Humor in the Hardest Times

I never thought I would be so grateful for Pinterest, but as I do with every other event or illness that comes my way, I went on a search for other people who had dealt with miscarriage and are still trying afterwards.  What I found was surprising and wonderful - boards full jokes, heartbreak and hope.  Rather than keep these to myself, I decided to post a few here for you.  Remember, none of these are made by me, only pinned by me: