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Jan 27, 2013

Meet the Family

This is my family. I found it, all on my own. Is little, and broken, but still good. Yeah, still good.
 -Stitch from Lilo and Stitch
And by family I mean myself and Ryan - and the pets of course, but this is about us!  Because I don't have any pictures of our someday baby, here are our baby pictures.


I can only hope our kid ends up with such luscious lips.

Jan 25, 2013

Beautiful Aruba

We spent the week before Christmas in Aruba and... IT WAS AMAZING!  If you EVER have the chance to visit this gorgeous island, I say do it.  Do it and never look back, because it was the most incredible vacation I've ever been on.

Aruba part one:

Aruba part two:

Even if I go back tomorrow, it wont be soon enough.  I can't wait to be on those beaches again, some day...

Jan 21, 2013

The Abbeh Show: Episode 4 - In Which I am a Crazy Person

Meet the Pests

I'd like to introduce you to our furry pests - I mean pets.

Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivrusky the Fifth (if you get that reference you are awesome):

Day One

Hello world!

Why is it so hard to write an introduction to your life? I suppose that question answers itself. Do I write an in-depth biography of my whole life up through today? Would anyone really want to read that? Probably not.

What facts about me would even interest a stranger? In the internet intrusive world we live in, would one more life laid bare really be that interesting to the world? Who knows, really. Slice of life blogs are a dime a dozen, but somehow each one has at least a few followers, because we all love the sort of legal peeping tom feeling of delving into someone else's life, even if - at the end of the day - it's only the parts of it they choose to share.

So here I am, throwing care to the wind and baring my soul to the internets. This is me, my life, my struggles and, hopefully, my greatest achievements. All of this for you to read, if you choose, because I simply want to share.